2023 Annual Giving: Preserving our Past

To help us preserve the past, the 2023 Annual Appeal raised funds which assisted our continuing work to digitise the significant historical items in our care.

Digitisation plays a vital role in the preservation, conservation and accessibility of our collections. Through the generosity of our community, we raised over $230,000 to accelerate the digitisation and cataloguing of material related to four key focus areas.

This ambitious project will result in a curated selection of images and associated stories that will engage our online audiences. The digitisation of these collection items will help to inform future research and interpretation of our properties, enabling local and international communities, and future generations, to access, learn from and appreciate the invaluable cultural history of NSW.

The four focus areas are

Birdcage, maker unknown, circa 1950s, metal, wire, plastic and organic material

Digitising the Susannah Place Collection

Susannah Place and its rich collections, which are undigitised, reflect the shared history of the four houses and the personal stories of the working class families who called this place home.

View of the lounge room, Rose Seidler House

Digitising the Rose Seidler House Collection

This project will digitise the entire collection, making it accessible to our online audiences, and harness the significance of Seidler’s design legacy.

Kiandra police station, c1914.

Photographs, Justice & Police Museum Collection

The museum is home to a highly significant photographic collection that captures the story of our state through the lens of police activities.

Deutsche moebel-industrie [trade catalogue]

Trade catalogues, Caroline Simpson Library Collection

Sharing this unique collection through digitisation provides new opportunities for audience engagement.

Ways to donate

Please consider making a tax-deductible gift, as every dollar raised, regardless of size, will help to ensure the history of NSW is protected and accessible for current and future generations.

Acknowledgement of support

Discover the unique and diverse opportunites our donors have to engage with Museums of History NSW.

Find out more


Meagan Evans
Philanthropy Manager
02 8239 2273

Conservation in action: Elizabeth Bay House external joinery work

We're undertaking external joinery conservation works to the front facade thanks to the funds generously donated by our supporters during the 2022 Annual Appeal

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