Census - 1841

Owners First NameOwners SurnameResidenceReturn NumberItem NoPage NoReel No
JohnDILLONLimeburners Creek, Town and County Macquarie, District Port Macquarie71[X949]992222Details
JosephCROFTMangrove Creek, District Brisbane Water44[X946]852222Details
Alex EDARECounty Northumberland, District Patrick's Plains24[X949]92222Details
JamesDAVISClarence River, County Macquarie, District Port Macquarie35[X949]892222Details
DanielCOULTERParish Castle Hill, District Parramatta1021[X948]912222Details
WilliamDROVERMarulan, County Argyle, District Goulburn19[X946]1452222Details
EdwardCOXFern Hill, Parish Mulgoa, County Cumberland, District Penrith43[X949]432222Details
WilliamCRAEDapto, District Illawarra367[4/1243B]7332508Details
-CORENepean, Parish Castlereagh, County Cumberland, District Penrith109[X949]572222Details
-CUNNINGHAMSt Marys, Parish Rooty Hill, County Cumberland, District Penrith21[X949]672222Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 9,355 results

of  936

This index covers all the surviving householders' returns and abstracts of returns. As the returns record only the name of the head of the household, the names of the other people resident in the household are not identified.