School teachers' rolls 1869-1908

NameSurnameRemarksSeriesRollPage NoReel No
Isobel HNEAL-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190898701998Details
CharlotteABBOTTNow Mrs WHITEHEADNRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190823441992Details
Harold LNASH-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190892801998Details
Edgar HABBOTT-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190867111995Details
MargaretABBERTON-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-1908110881991Details
M JABBOTT-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-19081341991Details
James ANEILL-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190857961994Details
James StanislausMYERS-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190888641997Details
Winifred JohnNEIL-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190888131997Details
John PatrickMYERS-NRS 4073: Teachers' Rolls, 1869-190864961995Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 20,000 results

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The Teachers' rolls are one of most useful sources for researching individual teachers in the later half of the nineteenth century. They provide a service record for each teacher and include date of birth, examination results, appointments, promotions and date of resignation.