Legacy gallery

Conclusion part 1

Legacy: Hyde Park Barracks Today is the final gallery in the Hyde Park Barracks exhibition. Here descendants of, and people with a connection to, the men, women and children who lived at the Barracks or were impacted by the convict system share stories of their connections to the site. The museum designers included this installation to give visitors the opportunity to think about the ongoing relevance of the Hyde Park Barracks and its impact on people’s lives today. 

Watch one of the videos (below) that are presented in the exhibition. They explore the stories of two of the many people who have convict ancestors.

Whose perspective is being shared in the Legacy: Hyde Park Barracks Today gallery? 

  • Governor Lachlan Macquarie
  • First Nations people
  • Convicts sent to Australia by boat
  • Immigrant women
  • Asylum women
  • You

Why do you think the curators chose to end the exhibition with these personal stories?

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Education program at Hyde Park Barracks.

Hyde Park Barracks site study

The Hyde Park Barracks is an important historical site. It has been recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site because of its significance to the convict History of Australia