Terra nullius, Perspectives, Reconciliation

Terra nullius, Perspectives, Reconciliation

What was terra nullius? How can you understand the past using different perspectives? What is reconciliation?

During this short video, your students will be presented with a significant colonial-era document and analyse it as historians to identify different perspectives.

They will investigate:

  • Who made it.
  • What it tells them.
  • What it doesn’t tell them.

Developed for Stage 2 and Stage 3 students in response to the K-10 History syllabus.

Once completed, your students will have:

  • Examined historical perspectives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewpoints.
  • Been introduced to a source and considered its reliability and usefulness.
  • Explored different historical viewpoints and perspectives in the context of studying history.
  • Considered different behaviours from the past through which they can compare and strengthen their own ethical understanding of past actions.

This resource supports a range of cross-curriculum areas, including:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture.
  • Creative and Critical Thinking.
  • Empathetic Understanding.