Jigsaw: Carrington artwork

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This beautiful and intricate artwork, by Charles Turner, is from the album of Illuminated Addresses presented to Lord Carrington by the Municipal Association of New South Wales near the end of his tenure as Governor of NSW (1885-1890).

Amongst the beautiful floral patterns and colourful birds are designs of buildings around New South Wales and various coats of arms. This image shows the Carrington family crest and the Coat of Arms of Sydney.

The address begins:

The expiration of you Excellency’s term as Governor if New South Wales being near, We, as Members of the Municipal Association, and on behalf of the Municipal Councils throughout the length and breadth of the land, desire respectfully to approach your Excellency with an expression of our high appreciation of the wisdom which had characterized Your Excellency’s administration of the affairs of this Colony.

and continues on further pages:

"We have recognized the constant & active interest Your Excellency has taken in all matters relating to the material well-being of the Colony & to the comfort and happiness of its people. The personal visits made by Your Excellency to various parts of New South Wales at calamitous times will never be forgotten by us or by those who were cheered by kindly words of sympathy and encouragement. Your Excellency’s courteous consideration of matters relating to local progress has stimulated us in labors to promote a spirit of self help & to add to Municipal life in the Country many conveniences and refinements. We beg to offer our sincere expressions of regret at Your Excellency’s early departure from our shores and our assurance that the many arts by which Your Excellency & Lady Carrington have brightened social affairs of this Colony will be in the mouths of a grateful & loyal people familiar as “household words” and “in our flaming cups freshly remembered”. With our “Farwell” we would join the hope that Your Excellency and Lady Carrington (whose gentle grace has had its influence in social & benevolent spheres) may experience a safe and prosperous voyage to the Capital of our great Empire whose illustrious Monarch has conferred on Your Excellency so may distinguished marks of Royal favor. On behalf of the Municipal Association of New South Wales, we have the honour to be Your Excellency’s Most obedient servants Signed by the Sydney Burdekin President WA Hutchinson & J Graham Vice Presidents WH Simpson Treasurer FA MorganSecretary 25 Sept 1890"


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