Curator-led tour of Rose Seidler House & Julian Rose House
Enjoy a tour of Rose Seidler House with Museums of History NSW curator Michael Lech, plus a rare peek at the Julian Rose House with Brian Seidler AM.
The tour offers a unique opportunity for a limited number of visitors to gain rich cultural insights into two of the finest examples of mid-20th-century modern domestic architecture in Australia.
Rose Seidler House (1948-50) was architect Harry Seidler’s first commission after his arrival in Australia in 1948 and its design overturned almost every convention of suburban house design. The house was built for Harry’s parents, Max and Rose, and located at the centre of a large bushland block on the upper slopes of the Ku-ring-gai Valley. It was the first of three houses the architect designed for the site, which included Marcus Seidler House (1951-53; now called the Donna and Brian Seidler House) and Julian Rose House (1951, 1953-54). This form of communal housing was innovative for Sydney at the time and sought to reunite the Seidler family in Australia post World War II. It remains today as an authentic representation of Harry’s early vision for Australian architecture.
This event is part of the Ku-ring-gai Heritage Festival.
Access to Julian Rose House is courtesy of Donna and Brian Seidler AM.
Participants will be required to remove their shoes before entering the house and large bags are not permitted inside. Photography is allowed. The house is not wheelchair accessible.
Rose Seidler House stories

Conserving Harry Seidler’s sofa
A sofa Harry Seidler designed for Rose Seidler House was conserved and reupholstered, and the process revealed some unexpected findings

Eulogy Harry Seidler AC OBE 1923-2006
This is an edited version of a eulogy given by Peter Watts at Harry Seidler's Memorial Service at the Theatre Royal, Sydney, 6 April 2006

Cook & Curator
Translating tastes: the Rose Seidler recipe collection
Recently translated from the original German, recipes kept by Rose Seidler provide valuable insight into her culinary heritage and Austrian identity