Enquiry services
Information about the level of research advice offered by NSW State Archives and how to have research carried out on your behalf.
Advice and Guidance
We will:
- provide you with advice and guidance as to likely sources and the current availability of archival material
- assist you in confirming the correct references for documents that you want to cite in a publication
- supply you with copies of State archives if you can supply specific references, including series number, item identifier, page number, and microform number (costs apply for this service), and
- provide assistance in validating personal information for rights and entitlements purposes.
In the reading room
Our reading room staff will happily offer expert and professional advice on all aspects of your research.
On the telephone
We will answer basic enquiries over the phone and give advice on the availability and location of archival sources.
By email
While we do not undertake research on your behalf a response to your written enquiry will be delivered within 20 working days. If you require research to be undertaken on your behalf we will refer you to the organisations, listed below, that maintain lists of professional researchers.
You can make your own private arrangements with the research agent of your choice. NSW State Archives does not accept responsibility for the work undertaken by research agents.
Referrals to professional researchers
These organisations maintain lists of professional researchers