Divorce records index 1873-1923

Petitioner First NamePetitioner SurnameRespondent First NameRespondent SurnameYearRemarksDivorce Number
Cora Lillian MinnieJARVEYGustavus GiffordJARVEY1912Name crossed out in index140Details
Ada RedfortSMITHLibbis HamiltonSMITH1910Entered twice in index7346Details
Leslie WilliamWILSONClaraWILSON1924Listed in the index for 1923 [Nos. 0140 & 1515 ] - no papers439Details
Norman Cecil CharlesWILLIAMSFannieWILLIAMS1919-353Details
Frederick WilliamELSNERAnnie GertrudeELSNER1898or Elsnery2912Details
Mary AnnELFORDJohn WilliamELFORD1897-2749Details
SamuelEDWARDSAnnie MaryEDWARDS1898& Zackariah Lowick (co-respondents)2993Details
HarriettELSBURYJohnJACKSON1898H Elsbury FC Harriett Jackson; J Jackson OC Edward Atkinson3046Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 21,238 results

of  2124

Divorce files can include petitions for the dissolution of marriage, petitions for maintenance, marriage certificates, and decrees nisi and decrees absolute. This Index covers the years 1873-1923.

Page from the Divorce file of William George Dunbar and Marie Dunbar

Divorce records guide

Divorce files contain evidence for each divorce case including Judicial Separations. They can include petitions for the dissolution of marriage, affidavits, petitions for maintenance, marriage certificates, and sometimes the decree nisi and decree absolute.

Divorce records: what the files can tell you

Divorce files can be a detailed source of information for family history, providing extra details that may not have been discussed or known within the family