Railway employment records 1856-1917

NameSurnameFirst Position ListedDate of First Position ListedItem NoPage NoRemarks
HenryDAVIESChief Draftsman23/06/1879NRS 1940721Details
HCZERWONKA HDraftsman13/04/1882NRS 19407245Details
JohnDORPHDraftsman27/08/1880NRS 19407172Details
JHDANIELLSDraftsman18/12/1876NRS 1940795Details
MichaelDAVISON MICHAELTimekeeper17/02/1882NRS 1940720Details
JamesDOWSETTPatternmaker1/11/1877NRS 19407134Details
EvanDAVIESForeman3/04/1882NRS 1940731Details
PeterDEANSSub Inspector1/07/1867NRS 1940761Details
FrederickDAVY FREDERICKFitter1/06/1880NRS 19407205Details
GeorgeDOWNEDraftsman30/07/1877NRS 1940799Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 763 results

of  77

The Index records the name, position, date of appointment and page number within the register.

  • Record series in the index: NRS 19407, NRS 15895
  • Entries in the index: 763
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Personnel card for railway worker
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