Archives behind the scenes - unboxing a glass plate negative

In this episode we visit the Conservation Lab where Elizabeth shows us how to unbox glass plate negatives - very gently!

These fragile archives are not directly accessible to the public. Instead, after Conservation makes a positive health check on this glass plate neg it will go to the Digitisation team, and the researcher will receive a digital copy.

Please note that this process in Conservation may take up to five (5) working days before the glass plate is delivered to Digitsation for copying.

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Behind the scenes

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View of the Australian Ballet 'The sleeping beauty (detail)' [right] and the Opera Australia 'Mariana Hong in Falstaff (detail) ' and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra 'People's choice concert (detail) [left] stairwell banners - The People's House marketing & installation photoshoot

Sydney Opera House: inspired design

Kieran Larkin, Senior 3D Designer at Museums of History NSW, talked to us about some of the highlights and challenges of designing the landmark exhibition The People’s House: Sydney Opera House at 50, on display at the Museum of Sydney until March 2024


Archives behind the scenes - bubonic plague

Did you know there was an outbreak of plague, in Sydney, at The Rocks, in 1900?

 Goods supplied by Robert Harper and Co to grocer George Hill

Archives behind the scenes - bankruptcy files

The bankruptcy files in our Collection - dating from 1888 to 1928 - contain lists of creditors that the bankrupt person owed money to and debtors that owed money to the bankrupt person