Population statistics


1828 Census

Browse the digitised alphabetical returns. This was the first official census undertaken by NSW and covers some 36,500 inhabitants, both convict and free

Entry from the 1828 census

1828 Census - extended webinar

Learn about the 1828 Census and why it was so significant. It has recently been added to the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register

Screen capture from the 1828 census volume A-Col

1828 Census - mini webinar

The 1828 Census alphabetical returns are digitised and can be viewed online. This webinar takes a close look at the returns and what they can tell you

Blue Books (Returns of the Colony) 1822-57

Statistical returns of the Colony of New South Wales and of areas under its jurisdiction compiled annually from 1822 to 1857

Census & musters guide

Population muster and census records, 1788-1901

Census - 1841

The 1841 Census lists all the surviving householders' returns (heads of households only) and abstracts of returns

NRS-1199 Electoral rolls, 1842–1863

This list includes Sydney and other districts

Norfolk Island guide

As well as being a penal establishment, one of the primary reasons for the first settlement at Norfolk Island was economic: the Colonial Government hoped to utilise the flax and pine trees on Norfolk Island