The Mint heritage works

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu auctor sem. In cursus odio tortor, ut tincidunt ipsum euismod et. Etiam maximus auctor diam, at vehicula orci molestie id.

Sed neque tortor, bibendum ac vestibulum ut, bibendum sed quam. Maecenas augue tellus, viverra et sagittis nec, egestas eu urna. In accumsan felis nibh, vitae pulvinar lacus sollicitudin vitae. Suspendisse lacinia, ex ut convallis rutrum, orci ex congue elit, non dapibus mi quam quis dui. Mauris eu eros et dui pharetra scelerisque.

Scope of works

Phasellus in nunc quis felis tempor feugiat. Morbi vel risus mauris. Morbi cursus, quam at pellentesque euismod, risus justo tempus ex, vitae laoreet odio ante fermentum massa. In vulputate eros quis porttitor bibendum.

Why now?

Cras consequat odio ac tellus mattis pellentesque eget ac lacus. Duis dictum convallis efficitur. Nunc dapibus non erat non lacinia. In sit amet dictum nisi, in aliquet nulla. Mauris quis aliquam mi, ut rhoncus magna. Morbi eu aliquet magna. Aenean aliquet dui id condimentum porta.

Etiam in porttitor nisi, quis auctor turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Integer ut diam tempor, condimentum enim ut, viverra risus. Vestibulum eget ligula mauris. Sed luctus odio eu ipsum vestibulum porta. Pellentesque ut commodo mauris. Nam commodo neque sed risus egestas hendrerit.


Maecenas tristique commodo diam, venenatis hendrerit augue ultrices a. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec ligula felis, volutpat tristique elementum sit amet, mattis eget risus. Curabitur molestie venenatis sapien. Mauris risus nisl, sollicitudin in purus sit amet, facilisis placerat augue.


23 June 2024

Cras ornare tortor in dolor consequat hendrerit. Nam vel semper lectus. Donec lacinia sagittis augue, nec fringilla tellus ultrices eu.

August 2024

Quisque gravida ultricies ligula, sed ultrices erat pretium vel. Mauris convallis nulla vel sollicitudin rutrum.

December 2024

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam orci neque, volutpat sed tortor id, lacinia ultricies velit. Sed tempus sapien ac ornare blandit. Integer suscipit ligula venenatis orci scelerisque gravida. Duis vitae pellentesque urna.

April 2025

Aliquam scelerisque nulla et suscipit elementum. Fusce urna enim, ultrices eget hendrerit eget, viverra id nulla. Maecenas maximus finibus neque nec dapibus.

Suspendisse vitae sagittis urna. Maecenas porta quam suscipit lacus ullamcorper auctor. Quisque aliquam fermentum est, sit amet finibus arcu congue nec.


Conservation at The Mint

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Image of the front of the coloumns on the Rum Hospital verandah
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Major conservation works completed on the Rum Hospital verandah

In the 2023–24 financial year the MHNSW Capital Works team completed detailed conservation works on the ‘Rum Hospital’ building at The Mint

View of first floor verandah from ground level
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Rum Hospital verandah conservation update

Remediation works have seen four original columns spliced, 17 joists replaced, seven bays of balustrades repaired, gutters and downpipes remediated, and a new fascia, perimeter floorboards and soffit boards installed


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Large 2 storey building with deep verandahs, steps leading to lower verandah and bushes and driveway in the foreground.
Museum stories

A rum deal

When Lachlan Macquarie began his term as governor of NSW in 1810, Sydney was in desperate need of a new hospital

Elevation of the General Hospital, Sydney, 1811

What was the ‘Rum’ Hospital?

Between 1816 and 1848, the General Hospital on Sydney’s Macquarie Street, provided medical care for the colony’s convict workforce

Hand coloured front elevation of the south wing.

Francis Greenway: the ‘future safety’ of the Rum Hospital buildings

When Sydney’s Rum Hospital was completed in 1816, the buildings were already showing signs of potential collapse, but newly-appointed Civil Architect Francis Greenway came to the rescue

A group portrait of 6 women standing in front of a stone wall with shrubs growing over it. The women have linked arms and are all smiling at the camera.

After the Royal Mint

Between 1926 and 1997 almost 20 different government departments and law courts came and went from the Mint buildings

The Mint
Museum stories

The changing face of the Mint

As photographers documented the evolving face of the Mint, they recorded changes to the site and streetscape

Rear view of the Coining Factory after redevelopment, The Mint

The Mint transformed

A few years ago, as you made your way around the lofty columned verandahs of the old Mint offices on Macquarie Street, you came across an extraordinary and hidden place