State Archives collection

Government Printing Office 1 - 30889 - Batlow Soldier Settlement - a married settlers home
Online talk

Soldier Settlement in NSW

This webinar will explore records in the NSW State Archives Collection that tell the stories of these soldier settlers

Friday 25 April 10.30am–11.30am
Translation of Luke
Online talk

First Nations Community Access to Archives: Bridging Now to Next

The First Nations Community Access to Archives team at Museums of History NSW will be discussing how improving access to archival material can support the revitalisation and reclamation of First Nations Languages and Cultures

Friday 30 May 10.30am–11.30am
Government Printing Office 1 - 07748 - Mental Hospital Parramatta: patients' bedrooms
Online talk

Mental Health Patient Records

This webinar will explore the surviving patient records created by government mental health facilities that are held within the State Archives Collection

Friday 27 June 10.30am–11.30am
Cover label Small debts registers [Newcastle Court of Petty Sessions]
Online talk

Small Debts Registers

This webinar will explore the newly indexed and digitised Small Debt Registers held in the NSW State Archives Collection, and how they can highlight the history of NSW local communities

Friday 28 March 10.30am–11.30am
NRS 12061 [12/8749.1] 62/1515pt1, p334

Advocacy, allyship and the rise and fall of the Aborigines Protection Board

In the lead-up to 26 January, the State Archives Collection provides opportunities to explore and reflect on past examples of advocacy and allyship in the fight for First Nations rights

General dining room, Liverpool Asylum 1911. Government Printing Office 1-34395

The records of Liverpool Asylum

This webinar explores the records of the Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute (1862-1933) and was later known as the Liverpool State Hospital and Home (1933-1961)

Sample from the Small Debts Register - Port Macquarie Courts of Petty Sessions, 4 May 1846

Small Debts Registers Index

Search by name and view/download the digitised entries. Information includes: names of plaintiff and defendant, cause of action, amount of claim, costs, judgment and amount of judgment.

Sketch of Kissing Point Ferry

Surveyor General's crown plans 1792-1886

A complete listing of the Surveyor General's Crown Plans from the Select List of Maps and Plans (and Supplement), 1792-1886


Assisted immigrants digitised shipping lists 1828-1896

If you know the ship your assisted passengers arrived on you can search, view & download the digitised shipping list