
We manage, maintain and interpret buildings and places of historic importance for the education and enjoyment of the public.

Overview of heritage projects

Statement of significance

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See all our properties

Conservation in action

Government Printing Office; NRS 4481, Glass negatives. NRS-4481-4-44-[AF00194836] Immigration Barracks Sydney, August 1871 [Department of Public Works]
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Conservation in action: Hyde Park Barracks northern range refurbishment works

In collaboration with experienced heritage consultants and traditional tradespeople, MHNSW is undertaking conservation works to the northern range buildings

Wentworth Mausoleum perimeter fence
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Renewed splendour for the Wentworth Mausoleum

The conservation works to the perimeter fence of the historic Wentworth Mausoleum have been successfully completed

Meroogal exterior painting complete
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Meroogal's exterior: A labour of love

After eight weeks of expert knowledge and care, painting works to the exterior of Meroogal have now been completed

Exterior view of Meroogal and garden
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Conservation in action: Meroogal exterior painting

We're working with specialist painters to restore damage and prevent further deterioration to the building

South elevation, Elizabeth Bay House
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Conservation in action: Elizabeth Bay House external joinery work

Museums of History NSW is undertaking external joinery conservation works to the front facade thanks to the funds generously donated by our supporters during the 2022 Annual Appeal

Exterior of white-painted two storey building with verandahs.

Conservation in action: Rum Hospital's verandah and columns

Structural repairs and conservation of the timber verandah and columns of the former ‘Rum Hospital’.

Crenellated facade of house with turrets above and colourful garden bed in foreground.

Conservation in action: the Vaucluse House turrets

The conservation of the 1830s stone turrets on the west side of Vaucluse House is an impressive example of the continuing use of traditional craftsmanship and local materials

Three Horticulture members stand infront of the bush curtilage at Vaucluse house. they are filling bins with weeds.
Plant your history

Conservation in Action: Vaucluse House bush care

The gardens team undertake important work on the ecological restoration and recovery of the Olola Avenue boundary bushland

Heritage stories

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Nissen huts at Belmont, Government Printing Office, 1957.

Unloved modern

A meticulously executed conservation and revitalisation project reveals the potential of the much-maligned Nissen hut

Internal view of the timber shed at Rouse Hill Estate

A strong and simple structure: conserving the woolshed

The second phase of a major conservation project on the woolshed at Rouse Hill Estate has seen the rustic 160-year-old structure strengthened and stabilised

Looking through vine covered trellis to bathhouse surrounded by garden.

What lies beneath: conservation works

Two conservation projects demonstrate the complex factors to consider when working with heritage buildings

Drawing room, Vaucluse House

How to manage mould in our homes

Warm wet weather encourages not only plant growth in our gardens but also mould growth in our homes. Thankfully we have the solution

Our historic houses in 3D

A project to capture 3D scans of MHNSW properties will greatly assist conservation work and create exciting new interpretation opportunities far into the future

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Collections connections

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A women holds a large book open while she threads the pages together.

Conserving the archive

Supervising conservator Dominique Moussou talks through her work and some of the projects underway in the MHNSW conservation lab

Objects in storage at Vaucluse House.

Barcoding our collection

During the 2021 COVID lockdown, a team was busy working behind the scenes to implement technology that will improve how we manage our collections & make them more discoverable for our audiences

Large four poster bed with canopy in middle of room full of other furnishings, backlit by window.

Making the Bed at Rouse Hill Estate

While Rouse Hill Estate is temporarily closed to visitors, we are busy behind the scenes inspecting, cleaning and caring for the collection

Oil portrait of Mary Elizabeth Pye (1827-1910), painted c 1845

Collections care in a time of coronavirus

Museum closures earlier this year due to COVID-19 gave Museums of History NSW staff a valuable opportunity to spend even more time caring for our historic houses and their precious and diverse collections.